InfoGrowth gives your business the opportunity to instantly access industry-leading cloud services at unbeatable prices.
Your All-in-One Microsoft Cloud Solutions Provider Get the full licensing, cloud and services benefits of your CSP with InfoGrowth More than just a licensing partner, InfoGrowth offers all the services for a successful Microsoft CSP in one place.
Signing a Microsoft Cloud Solutions Provider (CSP) agreement should open a world of technology and services opportunities, yet many CSP customers fail to realize these fully.
InfoGrowth provides our CSP customers with licensing advice, professional services, managed services, and support services, all delivered by our large, highly-qualified, experienced in-house team.
By working with our Microsoft experts, you benefit from a full range of in-house strategic services designed to support you in migrating, modernizing, optimizing and managing your Microsoft environment – whether that be through a three-year Enterprise Agreement (EA) or a flexible Cloud Solutions Provider (CSP) offering.
It’s important to have the right partner in place to help you maximize ROI on your Microsoft environment – one that demonstrates leadership and commitment to Microsoft technologies and adds transformational capabilities like deployment, implementation, training, and managed services to get you the most out of your investment.

Our extensively certified team of Microsoft licensing experts takes a proactive, customer-first approach to managing and renewing your Microsoft EA. If your EA is close to renewal – and even if it’s not – this information will help you understand InfoGrowth’s unique approach to managing over 8,700 EAs.

Signing a Microsoft Cloud Solutions Provider (CSP) agreement should open a world of technology and services opportunities – and with InfoGrowth, you get the best licensing advice, professional services, managed services, and support services, all delivered by our highly qualified in-house experts.

We know Microsoft software licensing is complex. That’s why our team is made up of the best Microsoft licensing experts who help you discover, evaluate and gain insights that determine the best Microsoft Licensing Program and the right licensing models that fit your organization’s needs

Whether you’re migrating from another platform or deploying Teams for the first time, we will ensure a smooth deployment from start to finish, while factoring in adoption and change management strategies from the very beginning using our 4-step, proven methodology.

With both Azure Virtual Desktop and Windows 365 virtualization options offered by Microsoft, InfoGrowth’s experts are well-positioned to help you identify and manage the right solution, built to meet the needs of your workforce location, IT strategy, and budget expectations.

Azure Storage includes object, file, disk, queue, and table storage. There are also services for hybrid storage solutions, and services to transfer, share, and back up data.
Durable and highly available.
Data is encrypted by the service.
Accessible from anywhere in the world over HTTP or HTTPS.
Azure handles hardware maintenance, updates, and critical issues.

Why Consider Azure?

Streamline cloud migration
Looking to lift-and-shift traditional applications or move legacy infrastructure to the cloud? We help you get there as quickly and efficiently as possible with our planning, licensing and migration service, supported by a rigorous cloud adoption framework and best practices.
- Right-size cloud spending, from the start
- Simplify cloud adoption, migration and billing
- Take full advantage of existing investments

Optimize cloud costs and impact
As your cloud footprint expands, so do the complexities. We enable you to optimize and increase the value of the cloud, using data-driven insights, powerful tools and expertise.
- Accelerate cost savings in the cloud
- Improve visibility, insight and control
- Simplify IT management and security

Business and workplace transformation
Transform the way your business works and serves end-users and customers. We enable you to unleash the full transformative power of the Azure ecosystem, using DevOps, ever-green platforms, and advanced services, such as cloud security, identity, and automation.
- Overcome DevOps adoption hurdles
- Speed time to market and transform services
- Leverage automation, artificial intelligence and emerging technologies